Sunday, January 31, 2016

Inspiring Moments for Healing: Exposing The Root To Be Healed!

God wants to heal You from the Inside!

Inspiring Moments for Healing: Exposing The Root To Be Healed!: Beautiful You, Are you struggling with past hurts, painful childhood memories, a divorce you just are not able to move past, or is the chu...

Exposing The Root To Be Healed!

Beautiful You, Are you struggling with past hurts, painful childhood memories, a divorce you just are not able to move past, or is the church hurt to much for you to bare?  If you answered yes to any of these scenarios, you maybe dealing with an emotional wound that has not been healed! 

What is inner healing? 

Inner healing deals with identifying and healing of emotional wounds from the root. God wants to heal the issue from the root.

So many times we come to church with our issues and leave out with just a Band-Aid covering the issues instead of receiving the complete healing that God has promised us.
I believe that God is wanting to expose the roots that He did not plant in order that we can become rooted and grounded in His love and in His word. Amen,
I want to look at the word expose for a moment, what does it mean to expose?
To Expose Something means:
to lay open to something; to uncover or bare; to make known, disclose, or reveal
to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen! Repeat this definition.
I think this is so powerful! To remove what is covering something in other words God exposes something that should not be there because it has been covering up: something has been covering up your true beauty, something has been covered up that is keeping you from loving the way God says to love, something has been covering all of the hurt and the scars. That thing that has been covering and God wants it to now be seen.  I’m not so much as talking about a public showcase, I’m talking about when God wants to reveal that issue to you because He wants to bring in healing, restoration, deliverance to that situation so the real you, the one that God speaks of when He says, “I knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb in Jeremiah 1 can come forth and walk in the liberty of God.
In Exposing the Root, the bible speaks from Hebrews 12:15 about the "Root of bitterness springing up to cause you trouble".  I want to share a bit of my research about exposing the Bitterness:
What is Bitterness?
Bitterness is a chronic state of smoldering resentment, is one of the most destructive and toxic of human emotions and when a person is bitter this person usually has hostility toward someone who hurt them.  If  not taken care of the bitterness, will be very judgmental, cruel, hurtful to others, murmur and complaining about others very easily and has no grace.  Resentment can turn into retaliation towards another person up to murder physically or with the tongue - gossip or evil talk tearing down someone's character.
So we find in Hebrews 12:15, that God is warning us not to allow bitterness to enter into our minds or our hearts.  Because that root of bitterness will cause so many other harmful doors to be opened.
People of God, I can’t stress it enough of the importance about turning to the word of God when you’ve been hurt, when you’ve been talked about, when you’ve been lied on, because the medicine, the sensitive response that we need to give ear to, and for many of us the compassion and love that is going to take the sting away is found in the word of God. The word of God is your healing: As you are reading this word, I encourage you to turn to Psalm 37 and heed God's instruction, take your medicine; the word of God in this Psalm is telling us to Trust in the Lord, Delight yourself in the Lord, Commit your ways to the Lord, Rest in the Lord and Wait patiently on the Lord!
You will find inner peace and inner healing from that hurt, the burdens you have carried far to long; I am speaking to you now, it's time to release the hurt and the pain from the past, take your daily dose of the word of God and you will begin to see yourself free in Jesus name, Beautiful You, Be Blessed!
THERE is awesome upcoming event for INNER Healing!
Beautiful You, On The Inside is having their prayer and empowerment night on Friday, February 12, 2016 at 7pm to 8:30pm. You don't want  to miss this move of God for your life! You will be empowered to walk away from the hurt, the painful past that has kept you bound long enough!
Location: King of Glory Church; 28 N. Saginaw (corner of E. Lawrence off Woodward Ave.) in Pontiac, MI. 48342
Date: Friday, February 12, 2016
Time: 7pm to 8:30pm
Further information go to or email us at

You can also register at
Until next time "Be made whole in Jesus name"
Evangelist Winona
to ​remove what is ​covering something so that it can be ​seen:to ​remove what is ​covering something so that it can be ​seen:to ​remove what is ​covering something so that it can be ​seen:


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