Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Un-Mask the Healing

     Lady always found herself in toxic, unhealthy relationships with men that she believed were attracted to her but all she got in return was let downs and hurt. She had female "friends", but really she knew none of the women she thought were her friends, were there as a friend.

     Lady, could not understand why she always experienced rejection. Whether it was a job opportunity, an achievement she tried to obtain or even a family member to talk with, that rejection seemed to always be around. She did not know how to distance herself from the rejection or how to pick herself back up after those rejected emotions.

     Because of the constant let downs and hurt form relationships and friendships, the rejection she had experienced; Lady developed a fear of speaking up for herself or expressing her opinion around others. She had a fear of even getting close to people because she didn't want to deal with the emotional pain of it all. Un-forgiveness also began to grab her heart from people not being who they say they are.

How can Lady embrace God's healing, how can she begin to transform into that butterfly of change and restoration? Are you that Lady, in some way are you dealing with these same issues?

The Un-masking Process:

1. No longer rehearse or replay that same negative or hurtful conversation. Stop thinking what happened to cause the pain. Instead re-focus your energy into positive energy.  Think of something that makes you happy or think of an encouraging or even a smile that someone shared.

2. Stop going back to things that remind you of the hurt and pain. Let go of negative friends and relationships even family members. It's time to break old habits.

3. Stop holding the hurt inside. It's ok to talk about it, release it. Have the venting session with someone you can confide in. As you vent, you are exchanging all the negative energy and accepting God's healing.  God is ready to heal you, embrace the healing.

Actions Steps:

1. Make the decision to let go of the hurt instead re-focus your conversation and mindset in a positive direction.

2. Confront the fear of having to break negative friendships/relationships. Confront the fear of breaking bad habits that keep you from receiving God's healing.

3. Fight to stay in that place of healing and of freedom. Don't go back to the old conversation, the old friends and the old habits. You are strong, fight for your healing.

Confession of Healing by Joyce Meyer:

     God’s Word is health to all my flesh. His Word is medicine to my flesh. I am the Lord that healeth thee is medicine to all my flesh. I will take sickness away from the midst of thee is medicine to my flesh. The Word of God is full of the life of God. That life is saturating my spirit. God’s life and healing power is in His Word, and His Word is at work in me now. The Word of God is depositing the life of God and the healing of God into my spirit. That life and health is spreading out of my spirit into every tissue and pore of my body, creating health and soundness. My body has no choice but to respond to the healing in the Word that is being absorbed into me now.

Trust God and Walk in your healing in Jesus name, Amen

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